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"I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation." - Hab. 3:18

You're invited to worship with us!

Who We Are...

Many people believe that the church is simply a building, but that is not true. We are a come-as-you-are group of folks of all ages from infants to senior citizens. Our one common bond is our love for our Lord Jesus who has saved us to be in Heaven with Him. Joy spills from our hearts, and we want you to experience that fullness of joy, too. We all deal with sin in our lives and are not in a position to be judgmental of others. No one is too bad to be saved nor too good not to need His saving grace. Praise God that He sent Jesus to make that possible. We are wholly committed to worshipping the One who loved us and gave Himself for us. Our mission is to "Strive to be like Jesus, full of grace and truth".



Pastor Aaron preaches with inspiration, teaching verse by verse through the Holy Bible. We believe the Bible is the very Word of God, and the Holy Spirit inspired the authors to record those thoughts and actions on paper. The Bible is full of truth, and we seek the truth to live life well and honor God. Please go to the menu at the top of the page and check out the web site to find out more about  Calvary Chapel Newark. Come check us out on a Sunday morning--we'd love to meet you.

What to expect...

When you arrive...

If you like, greet some of the friendly folks milling around and grab a bulletin. If you want, fill out a connection card so we can get to know you better. There are prayer cards at the entrance table to fill out if you have a request you would like the prayer team to pray about during the week.  If you didn't bring a Bible, we have extras around for you to borrow if you desire. There are usually some refreshments for you to enjoy. It is perfectly fine to eat them at the seat of your choice.

Our service begins with a time of praise and worship...

Our songs are both traditional and contemporary.  Regardless of which are being sung, they are always scripturally accurate and God honoring, keeping Jesus at the center of our worship. If you have children (12 and under) with you, you can send them to Calvary Kids in the next room over when it is announced. Otherwise, they are welcome to stay with you.


We preach the Word...

The heart of our services is dedicated to the systematic teaching of God's Word (chapter by chapter, verse by verse). That is so we, as God's people--His church, might receive His full counsel and apply it to our lives.


When the formal service ends, people often stay for fellowship afterward. We want to help you in your relationship with God through Jesus Christ and to make meaningful connections with God's people. Again, we invite you to come be part of the Calvary Chapel experience.

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