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We support these ministries...

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     Heartbeats is a life-affirming pregnancy resource medical center serving the people of our community with the love of Christ.  Heartbeats envisions a world where every human life is cherished and protected, both in the womb and in strong families. We urge any woman in need to click on the button below to find the loving help that they offer.

     We share building space at our church with the Greater Newark Chapter of this wonderful ministry. Every child born deserves basic essentials. But we do not have to look outside Ohio to find babies in desperate need of support from Newborns in Need. Incredibly, there are many babies in our very own state that go without a fresh diaper, warm blankets, clothing, or a safe place to sleep. Poverty or illness impacts the tiniest babies and families become overwhelmed. Greater Newark Ohio Chapter of Newborns in Need partners with over 20 agencies in 6 central Ohio counties to help support their clients.   Collecting needed items such as baby wash, sleepers, diapers, wipes, new and gently used clothing and baby items are then  distributed in the local community.  In our workspace, the  hands of volunteers sew, knit and crochet quilts, afghans, sleep sacks, bibs, burp cloths, booties and more to complement the donated items. New volunteers are welcome.  We meet Tuesdays 9am-3pm.  Email the director, Marty Rupp, at or click the national website button to find out more:

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